Những thiết bị theo dõi Bluetooth tốt nhất năm 2024

Các thiết bị Bluetooth tracker tốt nhất dành cho năm 2024 Nếu bạn thường thấy chìa khóa của mình thường bị mất vào lúc bạn cần phải rời khỏi nhà (đặc biệt là khi bạn đã muộn), thiết bị Bluetooth tracker có thể giúp ích. Gắn những chiếc móc tiện dụng này vào chìa khóa, ví, áo khoác, cặp, túi xách hoặc bất kỳ vật dụng nào khác mà bạn cần để bắt đầu. Một số loại tracker thậm chí phụ thuộc vào các mạng lưới lớn của các điện thoại thông minh khác để xác định vị trí của vật dụng bị mất trong thành phố. AirTags của Apple là lựa chọn nổi tiếng nhất trong danh mục này, nhưng hiện nay Samsung và Google đã phát triển các mạng lưới tìm kiếm tương tự, sự hữu ích của tracker đã được cải thiện. Để giúp bạn quyết định xem loại Bluetooth tracker nào là phù hợp nhất cho bạn, chúng tôi đã thử nghiệm các chiếc móc từ tất cả các thương hiệu lớn để tạo ra danh sách này. #sựkiệnngàyhômnhày

Những gì cần xem xét khi chọn thiết bị theo dõi Bluetooth
Bluetooth trackers là các đĩa hoặc thẻ nhỏ mà dựa vào tín hiệu không dây ngắn, tiết kiệm năng lượng để liên lạc với điện thoại thông minh của bạn. Gắn một chiếc vào đồ của bạn và, nếu trong phạm vi, điện thoại của bạn có thể “kêu” chip để bạn tìm thấy nó. Những thiết bị theo dõi này cung cấp các tính năng khác như cảnh báo khi bạn đã bỏ lại một mục được gắn thẻ, hoặc nơi một mục mất được phát hiện lần cuối. Một số thậm chí có thể tận dụng mạng lưới lớn hơn của các điện thoại thông minh để tìm ra thiết bị của bạn khi bạn rời khỏi phạm vi. Tùy thuộc vào bạn muốn tracker làm gì, có một số thông số kỹ thuật để xem xét khi quyết định chọn loại nào.

Khả năng tương thích thiết bị
Như hầu hết các sản phẩm từ Apple, AirTags chỉ hoạt động với các sản phẩm trong hệ sinh thái của Apple. Công ty đã mở cửa truy cập vào mạng lưới Find My của mình cho các nhà sản xuất bên thứ ba, bao gồm Chipolo và Pebblebee. Những chiếc tracker này hoạt động với mạng lưới theo dõi lớn của Apple, nhưng chỉ kết nối với các thiết bị Apple. Các tracker cổ điển của Chipolo sẽ hoạt động với cả thiết bị Android hoặc Apple, giống như các tracker Tile. SmartTag2 mới nhất của Samsung chỉ hoạt động với điện thoại Samsung, nhưng các tag mới từ Chipolo và Pebblebee dựa vào mạng lưới Find My Device mới của Google sẽ hoạt động với bất kỳ điện thoại Android nào (chạy Android 9 trở lên).

Mạng lưới tìm kiếm
Các khả năng tìm kiếm theo cộng đồng là điều khiến dư luận quan tâm, với các câu chuyện về việc phục hồi thiết bị bị đánh cắp hoặc theo dõi hành lý bị mất trên toàn thế giới. Sử dụng tín hiệu không danh tính gửi cho các thiết bị khác của người khác, các thiết bị theo dõi Bluetooth này có thể cho bạn biết nơi mục được gắn thẻ đang ở, thậm chí khi điện thoại của bạn ở ngoài phạm vi Bluetooth. Mạng lưới Find My của Apple là lớn nhất, với hơn một tỷ iPhone đang hoạt động tất cả chạy ứng dụng Find My của Apple theo mặc định. Do đó, trừ khi người dùng iPhone từ chối, điện thoại của họ một cách tĩnh lặng hoạt động như một bộ cảm biến vị trí cho bất kỳ AirTags nào ở gần đó.

Bây giờ mà mạng lưới Find My Device của Google đang hoạt động, nó là mạng lưới lớn thứ hai tại Mỹ. Giống như Apple, người dùng Android tự động được kết nối với mạng lưới, nhưng có thể từ chối bằng cách chọn tùy chọn dịch vụ của Google trong ứng dụng Cài đặt của điện thoại và chuyển đổi tùy chọn trong menu Find My Device. SmartTag 2 của Samsung cùng mạng lưới liên quan mặc định vào trạng thái chọn vào cho việc tìm kiếm tag và các thiết bị khác. Tile cung cấp lưới mạnh mẽ, với mỗi điện thoại chạy ứng dụng Tile đều là các bộ định vị ẩn danh. Sau khi Life360 mua lại Tile, 47 triệu người dùng của ứng dụng đó đã được thêm vào 50 triệu người dùng Tile đã tồn tại, tạo ra một mạng lưới lớn.

Trong các bài kiểm tra của chúng tôi, AirTags cung cấp dữ liệu vị trí gần như thời gian thực và nhanh nhất để tìm thấy các mục bị bỏ quên tại các địa điểm xung quanh Albuquerque, bao gồm một quán bar, nhà sách và quán cà phê tại không gian Nob Hill, cùng với các điểm ngoại trời khác trên khuôn viên Đại học UNM. Các tracker Tile và SmartTags của Samsung có thể định vị được mục mất của chúng tôi hầu hết mọi lúc, mặc dù không với độ chính xác tìm kiếm như AirTags. Mạng lưới Find My Device mới của Google hơi chậm hơn mạng của Apple khi sử dụng tính năng tìm kiếm cộng đồng, nhưng độ chính xác cao hơn so với Tile và Samsung.

Các tracker cổ điển của Chipolo, mặt khác, không có mạng lưới tiếp cận từ cộng đồng toàn diện. Nhưng khi chúng tôi sử dụng các tracker, số lượng mạng lưới tìm kiếm bắt đầu cảm thấy không quan trọng trong trường hợp sử dụng hàng ngày. Chính khả năng vượt trội trong mọi mặt khác đã giúp Chipolo’s classic trackers vươn lên đứng đầu danh sách của chúng tôi.

Cảnh báo tách rời
Đây là nơi mà tiện ích hàng ngày của một tracker thật sự lấp lánh. Một cảnh báo tách rời cho phép bạn biết khi bạn đã đi quá xa từ các mục được gắn thẻ của bạn, điều này rất hữu ích nếu bạn muốn đảm bảo cặp laptop, hay áo khoác, hoặc ô của bạn luôn đi kèm khi bạn rời khỏi nhà.

Những thông báo này hoạt động khi bạn đi ra ngoài. Nếu bạn có một thiết bị theo dõi Bluetooth trong ví của mình và ra khỏi một nhà hàng mà không mang theo, cảnh báo tách rời nên phát hiện, dẫn đến ít mất mát hơn. Tính năng này cũng cho biết vị trí mà mục được gắn thẻ và điện thoại của bạn lần cuối đã được kết nối, cho phép bạn theo dõi lại các bước của mình nếu bạn bỏ lỡ cảnh báo.

Mỗi tracker xử lý các mục được bỏ lại khác nhau. Cả AirTags và Chipolo đều bao gồm tính năng mặc định. Tracker của Tile đòi hỏi một khoản phí hàng năm để kích hoạt các cảnh báo (hiện tại là 30 đô la mỗi năm). Và các tag làm việc với mạng lưới Find My Device của Google không cung cấp tính năng này. Cả AirTags và Tile cho phép bạn tắt cảnh báo tách rời tại một số địa điểm cụ thể, có nghĩa là bạn có thể đặt nhà của mình là một nơi “an toàn” nơi các mục có thể bị bỏ quên, nhưng cảnh báo vẫn sẽ kích hoạt ở các nơi khác. Chipolo không cung cấp các vị trí an toàn, nhưng bạn có thể chuyển đổi các cảnh báo tại ngoại phạm vi trên cơ sở từng mục.

Trong các bài kiểm tra của chúng tôi, Chipolo đã gửi cảnh báo sau khi chúng tôi cách cấp độ lần lượt giữa 250 và 450 feet với mục được gắn thẻ của chúng tôi. AirTags đã thông báo cho chúng tôi giữa khoảng 600 và 1.400 feet. Và Tile đã gửi thông báo sau khoảng cho cảm trung bình 1.500 feet. Thông báo của Tile không nhất quán trên iPhone, nhưng hoạt động tốt khi vận hành với điện thoại Android.

Kết nối, âm lượng và thiết kế
Tính năng bạn có thể sử dụng nhiều nhất là chức năng tìm chìa khóa, khiến cho tracker kêu khi bạn bấm vào một nút trong ứng dụng. SmartTag2, Tile, Chipolo classic và Pebblebee trackers sử dụng ứng dụng Pebblebee cũng cho phép bạn nhấn đôi vào thiết bị để làm điện thoại của bạn kêu. AirTags và các tag bên thứ ba chạy trên cả hai ứng dụng Find My (Apple) hoặc Find My Device (Google) không cung cấp tính năng này.

Âm lượng của thiết bị theo dõi Bluetooth có thể xác định xem bạn có thể tìm thấy một mục bị chôn trong gối sofa của bạn hay trong một phòng ồn ào. AirTags có danh tiếng là yên tĩnh, và điều đó tương ứng với những gì chúng tôi thấy (đo lưong khoảng 65 dB). Tất cả ba phiên bản của Chipolo’s keychain-style tags đều to nhất, được đo giữa 83 và 85 dB.

Thiết kế sẽ xác định bạn có thể gắn tracker vào cái gì. AirTags là các đĩa nhỏ, mặt phẳng không thể cố định vào bất kỳ thứ gì mà không cần phụ kiện, mà đó là một chi phí bổ sung cần xem xét. Chipolo, Pebblebee và Tile cung cấp các bộ định vị có lỗ dễ dàng gắn vào chìa khóa của bạn, và cả ba công ty cũng cung cấp các phiên bản hình thẻ được thiết kế để phù hợp trong ví của bạn.

Pin có thể thay thế cho AirTags, Tile Pro và Chipolo One; hai sản phẩm đầu tiên có kỳ vọng một năm. Tile Mate và tất cả các tracker hình thẻ không có pin có thể thay thế, điều đó có nghĩa là bạn sẽ phải thay toàn bộ thiết bị khi nó hết. Pebblebee trackers có thể sạc lại và có cả phiên bản móc chìa khóa và ví.

Theo dõi và trộm cắp
AirTags đã nhận được rất nhiều sự chú ý và dẫn đến một số vụ kiện cho Apple do những kẻ xấu lắp chúng vào người khác để theo dõi họ. Mặc dù sự thật này có thể không ảnh hưởng đến quyết định mua sắm của bạn, bất kỳ cuộc thảo luận nào về các Bluetooth tracker đều phải ghi chú các bước mà Apple, Google và Tile đã thực hiện để giải quyết vấn đề này. Năm ngoái, tất cả các nhà sản xuất lớn trong lĩnh vực Bluetooth tracker đã hợp tác để chống lại việc sử dụng sai mục đích và chuẩn hóa cách phát hiện và kích hoạt cảnh báo theo dõi trái phép cho iOS và Android. Năm ngoái, Tile đã ra mắt một tính năng gọi là Chế độ Chống trộm, cho phép bạn biến một trong các tracker của họ không thể được phát hiện bởi người khác. Điều đó có nghĩa là nếu ai đó đánh cắp vật phẩm được gắn thẻ của bạn, họ sẽ không thể sử dụng các tính năng chống theo dõi để tìm kiếm và vô hiệu hóa tracker. Điều đó loại trừ một trong những cách chính các nạn nhân tiềm năng của việc bị theo dõi có thể giữ an toàn, vì vậy Tile hi vọng xác minh ID và một mức phạt 1 triệu đô la sẽ làm giảm việc sử dụng sai mục đích. #Bluetoothtracker

Nguồn: https://www.engadget.com/computing/accessories/best-bluetooth-tracker-140028377.html

If you find your keys tend to go missing just as you need to leave the house (and particularly when you’re already late), Bluetooth tracker can help. Attach these handy fobs to your keys, wallet, jacket, purse, bag or whatever else you need to get going. Some trackers even rely on vast networks of other smartphones to locate missing items out on the town. Apple AirTags are the most well-known option in this category, but now that Samsung and Google have developed similar finding networks, tracker utility has only gotten better. To help you decide which is the best Bluetooth tracker for you, we tested fobs from all the major brands to come up with this list.

Bluetooth trackers are small discs or cards that rely on short-range, low-energy wireless signals to communicate with your smartphone. Attach one to your stuff and, if it’s in range, your phone can “ring” the chip so you can find it. These tracking devices offer other features like separation alerts to tell you when you’ve left a tagged item behind, or where a lost item was last detected. Some can even tap into a larger network of smartphones to track down your device when you’re out of range. Depending on what you want the tracker to do, there are a few specs to look for when deciding which to get.

Like most things from the folks in Cupertino, AirTags only work with products in the Apple ecosystem. The company has opened up access to its Find My network to third-party manufacturers, including Chipolo and Pebblebee. Those finders work with Apple’s large tracking network, but only pair with Apple devices. Chipolo’s classic trackers will work with either Android or Apple devices, as will Tile trackers. Samsung’s latest fob, the Galaxy SmartTag2, only works with Samsung phones, but new tags from Chipolo and Pebblebee that rely on Google’s new Find My Device network will work with any Android phone (running Android 9 or later).

Crowd-sourced finding capabilities are what make headlines, with stories about recovering stolen equipment or tracking lost luggage across the globe. Using anonymous signals that ping other people’s devices, these Bluetooth tracking devices can potentially tell you where a tagged item is, even if your smartphone is out of Bluetooth range. Apple’s Find My network is the largest, with over a billion iPhones in service all running Apple’s Find My app by default. So unless an iPhone user opts out, their phone silently acts as a location detector for any nearby AirTags.

Now that Google’s Find My Device network is up and running, it’s a close second for the largest in the US. Like Apple, Android users are automatically part of the network, but can opt-out by selecting the Google services option in their phone’s Settings app and toggling the option in the Find My Device menu. Samsung’s SmartTag 2 and related network also defaults to an opt-in status for finding tags and other devices.

Tile offers a large finding grid, with every smartphone that runs the Tile app acting as incognito locators. After Life360 acquired Tile, the 47 million users of that app were added to the 50 million existing Tile users, creating a sizable network.

In our tests, AirTags offered nearly real-time location data and were quickest to find items abandoned in spots around Albuquerque, including a bar, bookstore and coffee shop in Nob Hill, along with various outdoor hangouts on UNM’s campus. Tile trackers and Samsung’s SmartTags were able to locate our lost items most of the time, though not with the same precision finding accuracy as AirTags. Google’s newish Find My Device network was a little slower than Apple’s network when using the community finding feature, but the accuracy was better than Tile and Samsung.

Chipolo’s classic trackers, on the other hand, don’t have much of a crowd-sourced network to speak of. Yet as we used the trackers, the size of the finding network started to feel less important in the face of typical, everyday use cases. It was their ability to out-perform in every other way that boosted Chipolo’s classic trackers to the top of our list.

An assortment of bluetooth trackers arranged in a grid on a wooden background. Trackers include black Tile trackers in various shapes, two silver and white AirTag trackers and a round blue Chipolo tracker attached to a set of keys with a multitool key chain.

Amy Skorheim / Engadget

Here’s where a tracker’s day-to-day utility really shines. A separation alert lets you know when you’ve traveled too far from your tagged items, which is useful if you want to make sure your laptop bag, or jacket or umbrella always comes with you when you leave the house.

These notifications work when you’re out and about too. If you’ve got a Bluetooth tracking device in your wallet and walk out of a restaurant without it, the separation alert should kick in, resulting in fewer lost items. This feature also tells you where your tagged item and phone were last paired, allowing you to retrace your steps if you happen to miss the alert.

Each tracker handles left-behind items differently. Both AirTags and Chipolo include the feature by default. Tile trackers require a yearly subscription to enable the alerts (currently $30 per year). And tags working with the Google Find My Device network don’t offer the feature at all. Both AirTags and Tiles allow you to turn off separation alerts at certain locations, meaning you can set your home as a “safe” place where items can be left behind, but alerts will still trigger elsewhere. Chipolo doesn’t offer safe locations, but you can toggle out-of-range alerts on a per-item basis.

In our tests, the Chipolo sent an alert after we got between 250 and 450 feet away from our tagged item. AirTags alerted us between the 600- and 1,400-foot mark. And Tiles sent a notification after about an average of 1,500 feet. Tile notifications were not consistent on an iPhone, but worked well when operating with an Android phone.

The feature you may use most often is the key finder function, which makes the tracker ring when you hit a button in the app. The SmartTag2, Tile, Chipolo classic and Pebblebee trackers using the Pebblebee app will also let you double click the device itself to make your phone ring. AirTags and any third party tags running on either the Find My (Apple) or Find My Device (Google) app don’t offer this feature.

The volume of the Bluetooth tracking device may determine whether you can find an item buried in your couch cushions or in a noisy room. AirTags have a reputation for being on the quiet side, and that aligned with what we saw (measuring roughly 65 decibels). All three versions of Chipolo’s keychain-style tags were the loudest, measuring between 83 and 85 decibels.

Design will determine what you can attach the tracker to. AirTags are small, smooth discs that can’t be secured to anything without accessories, which are numerous, but that is an additional cost to consider. Chipolo, Pebblebee and Tile offer trackers with holes that easily attach to your key ring, and all three companies also offer card-shaped versions designed to fit in your wallet.

Batteries are replaceable for AirTags, Tile Pro and Chipolo One; the first two have a one-year battery life and the Chipolo can go up to two years. Tile Mate and all card-shaped trackers don’t have replaceable batteries, which means you’ll have to replace the entire unit whenever it dies. Pebblebee trackers are rechargeable and come in both a key fob and wallet variety.

AirTags have gotten a lot of attention and even prompted some lawsuits for Apple due to bad actors planting them on people in order to stalk them. While this fact may not influence your buying decision, any discussion of Bluetooth trackers should note what steps Apple, Google and Tile have taken to address the issue. Last year, all the major players in the Bluetooth tracker business teamed up to combat misuse and standardize how unauthorized tracking detection and alerts work for iOS and Android.

Last year, Tile launched a feature called Anti-Theft Mode, which enables you to render one of its trackers undetectable by others. That means if someone steals your tagged item, they won’t be able to use the anti-stalking features to find and disable the tracker. That sort of negates one of the major ways potential stalking victims can stay safe, so Tile hopes ID verification and a $1 million penalty will deter misuse. Separately, Tile was recently hit by a data breach, raising different privacy concerns.

As a theft deterrent, a Bluetooth tracker may or may not be the best option. Anecdotal stories abound in which people have recovered stolen goods using a tracker — but other tales are more cautionary. Neither Apple nor Google promotes its trackers or finding networks as a way to deal with theft. GPS trackers, on the other hand, are typically marketed for just that purpose.

Before deciding on which trackers to test, we researched the field, looking at user reviews on Amazon, Best Buy and other retailers, along with discussions on sites like Reddit. We also checked out what other publications had to say on the matter before narrowing down our picks to Apple AirTag, Tile and Chipolo trackers. When Samsung’s SmartTag 2 came out in October of 2023, we added that to our testing, along with Pebblebee’s rechargeable Chip tracker. After Google launched its Find My Device network we added compatible fobs from Chipolo and Pebblebee to the mix.

Here’s the full list of every tracker we tested:

After acquiring the trackers, I tested each one over the course of a few weeks using both an iPhone 11 and a Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra. I recreated likely user experiences, such as losing and leaving items behind at home and out in the city. I planted trackers at different spots near downtown Albuquerque, mostly concentrated in and around the University of New Mexico and the surrounding neighborhood of Nob Hill. Each test was performed multiple times, both while walking and driving and I used the measure distance feature on Google Maps to track footage for alerts. I paid attention to how easy the app was to use, how reliable the phone-to-tracker connection was and any other perks and drawbacks that came up during regular use.

Photo by Amy Skorheim / Engadget

Format: Disc with hole | Compatibility: Android and iPhone | Water resistance: IPX5 (splash resistant) | Battery life: 2 years | Replaceable battery: Yes | Distance for left-behind alerts: 350 ft. | Phone finder function: Yes

Hands-on testing is great at smashing assumptions, and that’s what happened with the Chipolo One. This tracker’s crowd-sourced finding network cannot compare with Apple’s AirTag or Tile. In fact, when I left the Chipolo for 24 hours just outside the busy student union at UNM, I was never alerted that a member of the Chipolo community had detected my item. But as I used it and pictured how most people would use a tracker on a daily basis, the device proved its worth and earned its spot on my keyring.

The One is a small and colorful plastic disc with a hole. It works with both Apple and Android devices and requires an app which is simple to use and easily pairs new trackers. The app and tracking experience on an iPhone and a Galaxy phone were nearly identical, working equally well on both platforms. It rang the loudest of all the trackers, so lost items were quickly found around the house. Unlike other trackers, there was never a delay between pressing the Ring to Find button and hearing the trill. The ring delay for AirTag was never more than a few seconds and Tiles would generally connect and ring after no more than ten seconds. While that’s not a deal-breaking delay, it could add to the stress of rushing out the door.

Where the Chipolo One truly set itself apart was with its separation alerts. I would only get a half to two blocks away (or an average of 350 feet) before getting an alert asking if I’d forgotten an item. Neither AirTag nor Tile ever beat Chipolo to the punch. The alerts were consistent whether I was forgetting an item at home, at a coffee shop, or inside my car.

As far as losing stuff out in the wild, it will get you back to the spot where your phone and tracker were last paired. That means if you miss an alert or don’t have them turned on, Chipolo will give you directions (via your maps app) and take you right to where you left your item. In one test, I had a friend hide the tracker nearby when I wasn’t looking. I left the area and returned hours later, using the last location information to lead me within a few feet of the tracker’s precise location. Ringing the tracker then made it easy to find. Of course, if someone walks off with your tracked item, the Chipolo will be harder pressed to help you out.

If you’re concerned about lost luggage when you travel or if you worry you may lose things on trains or buses, this isn’t the tracker for you because of its much smaller finding network. But if you’re looking for a dead simple way to find your keys and make sure your jacket leaves the bar when you do, the Chipolo One is hard to beat.

Chipolo will also allow you to use Alexa to help find your keys. You’ll need to enable the Chipolo skill in the Alexa app and connect your Chipolo account. Relying on your smart home assistant to find your misplaced keys could make an on-time departure even easier.


  • Loud ring
  • Fastest left-behind alerts
  • Affordable
  • Works with iPhone and Android

$25 at Amazon

Photo by Valentina Palladino / Engadget

Format: Smooth disc | Compatibility: iPhone | Water resistance: IP67 (water and dust-resistant) | Battery life: 1 year | Replaceable battery: Yes | Distance for left-behind alerts: 1,200 ft | Phone finder function: No

AirTags work with iOS’ Find My app and are registered to your Apple ID, so they don’t require any additional downloads. If you’ve used the Find My app before, you’ll likely understand how this works. These are the quietest of the trackers we tested and each time you press the Play Sound button, the tags only ring for seven seconds. You’ll need to keep pressing if you don’t find your item right away and AirTags can’t be used to ring your phone.

As for separation alerts, AirTags were consistent, always delivering a “left behind” alert when I traveled about 1,200 feet away, or about three square blocks, without an item. You can turn off separation alerts for any given tracker, as well as designate certain locations, such as your home or workplace, as exceptions for the notifications.

One feature that AirTags have that no other tag offers is the ability to tap into the ultra-wideband (UWB) wireless protocol. This allows you to play a fun game of hot and cold with an item when it’s within about 25 feet of your iPhone. Directional arrows and a diminishing distance meter on your iPhone’s screen point you to an item without having to ring it. This worked reliably about 75 percent of the time in my tests; sometimes it was just easier to ring the item when the directional finding couldn’t keep a lock on the tracker.

UWB is supported by iPhone models 11 and later and while newer Galaxy and Pixel phones also support UWB, no Android-compatible tracker has yet been released. In 2021, Tile announced one that would, but has since missed its promised release window of “early 2022.”

AirTag’s ability to locate a lost item out in the city is almost eerie. I had someone (who was not carrying an iPhone) take my bike with a tracker hidden under the seat to a location a little over a half mile away. I set out a few minutes later and toggled on Notify When Found in the Find My app. Within three minutes, I received a notification that the bike had been “seen” near an address. Tapping on Directions navigates to Apple Maps, which took me to a spot about 30 feet from the bike. Had it been obscured from view, I could have then used the Find Nearby button to activate the UWB locating features. Ringing the tag was too quiet to hear on the sidewalk.

If you want the same scary-precise community finding features, but with a louder ring and a hole in the tracker, the Chipolo One Spot is a solid option. It doesn’t offer UWB capabilities, however, and the separation alerts are the same as with AirTags (letting you get 1,200 feet away before a ping, versus an average of 350 feet with our top rec, Chipolo One classic).

Or, for a rechargeable option, the Pebblebee Clip is a good AirTag alternative. True, you can swap out the battery in Apple’s discs, but charging your tracker via USB-C every few months might be easier. The Pebblebee works with Apple’s Find My network and has the same setup as an AirTag. In my tests, it was spotted just as quickly as Apple’s tracker, and the left-behind alerts went off about the same distance away.

But the Pebblebee has a few advantages over AirTags: The black disk has a built-in metal attachment point and includes a small carabiner clip, so for most situations, you won’t need an additional accessory. The Pebblebee is far louder than Apple’s tracker, too. I also like that when you ping it from the app, it continues ringing until you hit stop instead of going silent after seven seconds. Pebblebee makes a rechargeable wallet tracker as well, which may be easier to slide in a billfold than the rounded AirTag. One word of warning, however: If you’re going to use it with Find My, don’t set it up with Pebblebee’s own app beforehand. If you do, you’ll have to do a factory reset before it’ll work with Apple’s app.


  • Vast finding network
  • Accurate UWB for nearby locating

  • iPhone only
  • Only rings for 7 seconds at a time
  • No attachment point

$30 at Verizon

Photo by Amy Skorheim / Engadget

Format: Round disk with hole | Compatibility: Android phones | Water resistance: IPX5 (splash and rain-resistant) | Battery life: 12 months | Replaceable battery: Yes | Distance for left-behind alerts: N/A | Phone finder function: No

Chipolo makes three models of tracker: the One uses its own app on either iPhones or Android handsets, the One Spot pairs with Apple’s Find My network and the One Point taps into Google Find My Device system. I obtained the Google-compatible fob, along with the Pebblebee Clip for Android at the time of the April launch of Find My Device and tested them. I was seriously underwhelmed.

Find My Device purportedly taps into a crowdsourced network of more than a billion Android devices (participation is by default and Google automatically enrolled compatible devices in the service at launch unless users opted out). But when I performed the usual tests simulating lost keys, I got… nothing. For about an hour. When I finally got a ping, the app gave me a location for my lost item that was a few blocks off-base. Chalking the poor performance to the newness of the network, I put testing on hold for a couple months.

On a second set of tests, I had a friend hide fobs in different locations near the busy UNM campus. After marking the Chipolo One Point as lost, I got a notification about ten minutes later telling me it had been spotted by the community. Tapping the directions option in the app takes you to Google Maps that guides you to the tracker’s location, just like any other destination. When my blue dot met the location pin, I used the “ring to find” function and faintly heard the little disc’s song.

The performance of the Chipolo One Point tracker on Google’s Find My Device wasn’t quite as eerily accurate as my experience with AirTags — those directions, paired with the Ultra Wideband tech pinpointed the tracker’s exact location. Find My Device has a similar “hot/cold” function, but it’s not very helpful. Overall, the time it took for the crowdsourced finding to kick in was admirable, and a touch faster than Tile or Samsung. But there are caveats to Google’s finding capabilities.

For one, there’s no option for a left-behind alert, meaning if you want the Find My Device app to tell you when you’ve left the donut shop without your keys, it can’t. You also can’t use the fob to ring your misplaced phone. To be fair, AirTags can’t do that either but standard trackers from Chipolo, Samsung and Tile can. And finally, the notifications weren’t as timely as they could be — I’d often open the app to see that a lost item’s location had been updated, but never received a ping to that effect.

Both Chipolo’s One Point and Pebblebee’s Clip performed similarly in terms of crowdsourced finding abilities. Both are loud (around 84 decibels) and, obviously, the app experience is the same. Chipolo’s tag edged out Pebblebee’s because the Bluetooth connection had a comparatively long range in my tests and was quicker to connect and ring when I “lost” my keys in the couch. Setup was also incredibly easy: just squeeze the tracker and pop-up prompts guide you through the rest. Oh, and it’s $2 cheaper.

Yet there are a couple areas where the Pebblebee Clip for Android bests its rival, namely in the design, with a super sturdy metal attachment point and the rechargeable battery. No need to worry about buying a new battery. Plus it comes with a key chain ring, which is a nice touch.


  • Loud
  • Particularly easy setup
  • Taps into Google’s large Find My Device network

  • Google’s Find My Device doesn’t support left-behind alerts
  • Not as precise as AirTag

$28 at Chipolo

Photo by Amy Skorheim / Engadget

Format: Oblong fob with hole | Compatibility: Samsung phones | Water resistance: IP67 (water and dust-resistant) | Battery life: 16 months | Replaceable battery: Yes | Distance for left-behind alerts: 1,300 ft. | Phone finder function: Yes  

Nothing can beat the vastness of Apple’s Find My network, since it relies on every nearby iPhone to help locate AirTags. The number of Samsung phones in the US may be smaller than the number of Apple handsets out there, but it’s still significant. The new SmartTag 2 relies on those phones to offer a finding network that may not best Apple’s, but is larger than anything else out there for Android at the moment. Of course, once Google unleashes its expanded Find My Device network, everything will change.

The SmartTag 2 only works with Samsung devices and after testing one out with a Galaxy S23, I was impressed how quickly it was able to find tagged items out in the wild, though the precision didn’t quite match that of Apple. Of all the trackers I’ve tried, I like the design of the SmartTag the best. It’s an oblong fob with a big hole for attaching directly to your keys, or you can buy the optional silicone case and ring Samsung offers. Its volume is louder than the AirTag and the Tile Pro, but not as loud as either the Chipolo One or the Pebblebee Clip. You can also change the tag’s ringtone or double squeeze it to ring your handset, both things that you can’t do with AirTags.

Setup is simple as well: once you remove the plastic pull tab, your phone senses the tracker and walks you through the standard permissions (location services, notifications) and warnings (don’t use the tracker on people). The companion app, SmartThings Find, tracks your Samsung devices and the SmartTag with an intuitive and clean Google Maps-based interface.

As for how the tag works in practice, I found the left behind alerts triggered reliably when I got about three blocks (1,200 feet or so) away when walking and about eight blocks away when driving. That’s far longer than Chipolo’s alerts, a little longer than Apple’s notifications and about on par with Tile’s left-behind feature.

When the tag is out of range and you enable Lost Mode, you’ll get an alert when it’s spotted by another Samsung phone. The tag also uses NFC to display your contact info and a custom note to anyone who finds the tracker, regardless of the brand of smartphone they carry. Of course, whoever finds it would need to know to hold it to the back of their phone to get the message, and it was harder to trigger with my iPhone when the tag was in the silicone holder.

To test the finding network, I asked a friend (without a phone in their pocket) to wander a half mile away with the tag. About 12 minutes after turning on Lost Mode, I got a message that the SmartTag was “spotted by a nearby device” with a dropped pin. I tapped Navigate in the app, which opened Google Maps and led me to a point directly across a moderately busy street from where my friend was standing. If I’d left the tag behind somewhere I’d recently been, just seeing the location on the map would have been enough to jog my memory as to where I might have dropped my stuff. But if someone had stolen the tagged item and I was wandering the streets trying to get it back, vigilante style, it may not have been precise enough to help. It may not be as accurate as the iPhone-and-AirTag combo, but the SmartTag 2 is a solid entry in the Bluetooth tracker market and a good option if you have a Samsung phone.


  • Finding network is large
  • Attractive and useful design

  • Only works with Samsung phones

$21 at Amazon

We recently replaced our top pick for an Android phone — a spot once held by the Tile Pro — with the Chipolo One Point. Tile’s Bluetooth trackers include a variety of models: The Tile Mate, the Tile Slim for wallets and the Tile Sticker for slapping on household things like remotes. We liked the Tile Pro for it’s reasonably loud sound and the replaceable battery. It conveniently works with either Android or iOS devices (but was glitchy with iPhones). It relies on it’s own network for finding things in the wild, a network that pulls from other Tile and 360 Life users. Ultimately the fob wasn’t as quick or accurate locating lost items as trackers that rely on Apple, Google, or Samsung’s networks. Add in Tile’s recent data breach and we decided to remove the Tile items from our recommendations for now.

Both the Tile Pro and the Samsung Galaxy SmartTag2 claim a maximum range of around 400 feet, which is longer than the 200-foot claim for most of Chipolo’s tags. Apple doesn’t make similar claims for AirTags. Any Bluetooth signal, however, is dependent on a few factors. Obstacles like walls and people can block the signal, so a clear line of sight is the only way to achieve the maximum range. Other signals, like Wi-Fi, can also interfere with Bluetooth connections. Even high humidity can have an effect and lessen the distance at which your phone will connect to your tracker.

Remember, when considering the range of Bluetooth trackers, the size of the “finding network” also comes into play. This is the number of nearby phones that can be used to anonymously ping your tracker when your own phone is out of Bluetooth range. As of now, Apple AirTags have the largest network, followed by Google’s Find My Device, Samsung’s finding community, Tile’s Life360 members and finally Chipolo’s own network.

Bluetooth trackers are designed to track small, personal items like keys, jackets, backpacks and the like. All trackers have safeguards to prohibit the tag from being used to stalk people, so most will alert someone if a tracker that does not belong to them is detected following them. That means a car thief may get tipped off that there’s a tracker in the car they’re trying to steal. That said, you’ll see plenty of stories about people finding their car thanks to a Bluetooth tracker. Some police departments have even handed out trackers to combat high rates of carjacking. In most instances, the tracker of choice has been AirTags thanks to their wide finding network.

Accuracy for Bluetooth trackers can be looked at in two ways: Finding items nearby and finding items misplaced outside your home. For nearby items, you’ll most often use the ring function on the device to hunt it down. Two tags, Apple’s AirTags and Samsung’s Galaxy SmartTag2, also use ultra-wideband technology, which creates directional navigation on your phone to get you within a foot of the tracker.

Accurately finding lost items outside your home depends on the size of the finding network. Since this relies on the serendipity of a random phone passing within Bluetooth range of your tracker, the more phones on a given network, the better. And since Bluetooth ranges and distance estimates are only precise within about a meter or so, getting pings from more than one phone will help locating items. Here again, it’s worth noting that Apple’s FindMy network is the largest, followed by Google, Samsung, Tile and Chipolo (both Chipolo and Pebblebee have fobs that work with the Apple and Google networks).


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