Theo quy định mới, sự khử định công cụ theo dõi không được sự đồng ý bằng GPS sẽ bị phạt tù vào thứ Ba. Công cụ theo dõi như AirTags có thể mang lại nhiều lợi ích, nhưng cũng có thể được sử dụng bởi tội phạm muốn tìm hiểu thói quen của người khác mà không cần biết rằng họ đã bị theo dõi. Với việc ban hành điều này, nhiều người tin rằng việc sử dụng công cụ theo dõi ẩn trên người bị định sẽ bị giảm thiểu hiệu quả. Tuy nhiên, sự tỉnh táo vẫn rất quan trọng để đảm bảo an toàn và bất cứ ai có nghi ngờ rằng họ đang bị theo dõi hoặc giám sát bằng một công cụ không có sự đồng ý nên thông báo cho cảnh sát địa phương. #CongCuTheoDoi #LuatMoi #AnToan
MARTIN/INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, Fla. (WPEC) — GPS trackers — such as AirTags — can do a lot of good, transmitting your location in real time to loved ones.
However, they can also be used by criminals trying to learn people’s habits, that make them an easier mark for crimes — or even human trafficking — without the victim even knowing a tracker was placed.
“How simple it is now to be able to drop an AirTag into somebody’s purse, stick it under their car, drop it into their seat, anything like that, just to be able to track somebody is quite frightening,” said Jamie Bond Ciancio, the Director of Advancement for Place of Hope. “They can follow and track you and create a lifestyle, understand the inner workings of your lifestyle.”
Senate Bill 758, which would make using a tracking device without the person’s knowledge a felony charge, becomes law Tuesday.
“We’ve seen a number of cases over the years where domestic issues, where an ex-husband would install a tracker on the car, we’ve had some victims of stalking cases,” remarked Sgt. Kevin Jaworski, who works in the Criminal Investigations Division at the Indian River County Sheriff’s Office.
“They May Never Know”
“One of the reasons we don’t see it is a lot of the times, it goes undetected. Some of these devices are so small,” said Martin County Sheriff William Snyder. “You throw it in the car, how would they ever know? They may never know.”
Under the new law, this type of crime will be punishable by up to half-a-decade behind bars.
“This gives us an enhanced ability to go after people that are illegally tracking,” Sgt. Jaworski explained. “Illegally tracking somebody, it not only violates their individual rights to privacy, but it also presents a security issue for them.”
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Will It Work?
Some believe this law will effectively minimize the use of hidden trackers on unsuspecting people.
“Once you see a couple of cases come out, where people are getting charged with a felony now, I think once word gets out, I think you’ll see a reduction in these type of cases,” Sgt. Jaworski opined.
“I think it does make people think twice about doing something nefarious,” Ciancio added.
Others are not so sure.
“Would somebody who wanted to stalk someone by way of illegally planting a tracking now think twice? I’m not sure, but I do know that if we catch them, they’ll have about five years in prison to think a lot more than just twice,” Sheriff Snyder shared.
Despite the change in law, authorities say vigilance remains key to safety and say anyone who suspects that they’re being followed or monitored with a tracker they didn’t consent to should alert local law enforcement.
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