Tai nghe đang cắm – Yale Daily News

Kể từ khi bắt đầu năm đầu tiên tại Yale, tai nghe đã trở thành người bạn đồng hành tốt nhất của tôi. Từ việc giúp tôi cảm thấy ít lúng túng khi đi bộ một mình qua khuôn viên đại học đến cung cấp âm nhạc nền cho những bài toán toán học nhàm chán, danh sách nhạc đa dạng của tôi đã giữ cho tôi vững chãi. Mỗi khi đeo tai nghe vào, tôi bỗng dưng như được đưa vào một môi trường khác, mỗi bài hát đều nhắc nhở tôi về một điều gì đó hoặc một người quan trọng đối với tôi.

Âm nhạc luôn lưu giữ một khoảnh khắc trong thời gian. Bắt đầu năm đầu của đại học là một trong những khoảnh khắc lớn đó, một thời điểm tôi sẽ cuối cùng nhớ lại, mỗi bài hát liên kết với một phần nào đó của nó.

“#sựkiệnngàyhôm” #taiNghe #âmNhạc #Yale #kỷNiệm

Nguồn: https://yaledailynews.com/blog/2024/09/27/headphones-in/

Amelia Shaw

Since starting my first year here at Yale, I have had no better friend than my headphones. From making me feel less awkward while walking alone across campus to providing background noise for mind-numbing math problem sets, my eclectic playlist has kept me grounded. Every time I put the airpods in, I’m suddenly in a different environment, each song giving me a reminder of something or someone important to me. 

Music always conserves a moment in time. Starting my freshman year of college is one of those big moments, a time I will eventually look back on, each song tying itself to one part of it or another.


“True Love” by Hovvdy:

“True Love” is not as well known as others on this list, nor is it a song I particularly believe people resonate with the same way I do, and that’s because for me, the appeal is the reminder of my Midwestern roots back home in St. Louis, Mo. 

The best way I can describe this song is through the words of my friend Grace, who, while “studying” with me in the library, explained that it had “good vibes.” The song opens very passively, but with an upbeat rhythm, and narrates the artist’s passionate feelings towards another person. For me, however, it reminds me of my closest friends back home: driving around aimlessly and enjoying the relaxed feeling of being surrounded by those you love.  Now, at Yale, I can introduce “True Love” to new friends in the same way my home friends did for me. 


“Charm” by Clairo: 

“Charm”, Clairo’s third studio album, was released July 12, 2024, I was immediately drawn to its jazzy undertones and heavy instrumental focus. Though I don’t consider myself an avid Clairo connoisseur, I do think that her songs make for great background noise when studying or hanging out with friends. This album has gained significance for me since arriving at Yale because my suitemates and I shared a bonding experience while playing the tracks: 

I live in a four-person, co-ed suite and when it comes to our music tastes, three of us —the two girls and I — have found a lot of similarities when queuing songs on a laptop during a weeknight in. This has inspired us to convert our fourth suitemate, an exclusive listener to classical music, to a pop fan.  After many failed attempts, we had the genius idea to try “Juno” on Clairo’s album and to our surprise, he enjoyed it. 

The album is great and I know it will remind me of my freshman suite for years to come 


“Brat” by Charli xcx: 

Now is this a bit of a basic pick? Probably, but do I care? No. It’s not surprising that “Brat” has made its way onto my playlist. Everywhere I have been: parties, club events and even office hours have featured one of these iconic summer songs in one way or another. In fact, during one of my club interviews I was even asked to choose “Brat or demure,” something I came to find later had a correct answer. 

From doing “Brat” a cappella, coined “Bratcapella,” on my FOOT trip to running across campus looking for a musically inflicted burst of energy to dropping everything I’m doing to ironically do the “Apple” dance with my friends, “Brat” continues to follow me, and I am not remotely annoyed by it, at least not yet. 


Music is only a piece of the start of my Yale experience. As I continue to add songs and attach memories to the music, I capture these new experiences. However, sometimes it’s nice to replay the old, over and over again. Still, I promise I am learning a lot — even with headphones in. 


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