Nguồn gốc của các meme là từ đâu? Các nền tảng hàng đầu từ năm 2010-2022 đến ngay sau đây. Bạn có biết rằng việc xuất hiện của Unexpected John Cena vào năm 2015 đã tạo nên một hiển nhiên không ngờ đến? John Cena, một trong những đô vật chuyên nghiệp và diễn viên nổi tiếng. Nhưng giống như nhiều meme của cuối những năm 2010, nó dần chuyển hướng về chủ đề vô lí. Thứ hai, nhiều người trẻ bắt đầu từ bỏ Facebook cho người cao tuổi vào khoảng năm 2015, và kể từ đó, nền tảng này chỉ càng trôi vào tay nhóm người này hơn theo nghiên cứu của công ty PEW. Một lý do thứ ba có thể là thuật toán gây tranh luân của nền tảng, được cho là ảnh hưởng đến các tác giả sáng tạo trên cả Instagram và Facebook. Như Cơn Giận, loài động vật khuyên bảo đã trở thành các nhân vật mà những người tạo meme có thể phối hợp và sử dụng trong nhiều tình huống khác nhau.
#meme #nền_tảng #unexpected_John_Cena #John_Cena #Facebook #Instagram #Advice_Animals #Facebook #boomers #PEW_research #TikTok #quarantine #joke #object_labeling_meme #idoms #Powehi #Pluto #online_fandom #Kuiper_Belt #solar_system #Reddit #Tumblr #Mercury #4chan #Reddit #Tumblr #Venus #space #dwarf_planet #IAU #Eris #Dysnomia #nền_tảng #analysis #story #Meme_culture #saturn #Cassini #Vine #Tumblr #brainstorming #internet_hieroglyphics #Twitter #zoomers #millennial #fail_compilations #object_labeling_meme #memevirality #humor #internet_memes
Perhaps nothing was more expectably unexpected in 2015 than Unexpected John Cena — a legend then and a legend now. John Cena, of course, is a very prominent professional wrestler and actor. But like many memes of the mid-2010s, it veers towards absurdism. Second, many younger people began to fully surrender Facebook to the boomers at some point circa 2015, and it has only slipped further into their grasp since then, according to PEW Research. A third possible reason is the platform’s controversial algorithm, which is purported to work against creatives on both Instagram and Facebook. Like Rage Comics, Advice Animals were a cast of characters that memers could remix and deploy into a variety of situations.
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TikTok’s 13 percent jump between 2019 and 2020 is more drastic and rapid than any other year-by-year shift in meme origins recorded in the data. Since 2020 wasn’t very long ago, you probably remember the time in quarantine when everybody started getting on TikTok or getting grumpy at other people who were on TikTok. The use of the meme in many of these instances is not “funny” in a conventional way. This and other object-labeling meme formats operate like idioms. These memes are logical frameworks that communicate a relationship between things and can be applied to many situations. They stick around because they can describe situations and emotions more swiftly and poetically than our own words can.
Powehi / First Image of Black Hole
Pluto is largest and second most-massive dwarf planet located in the outer solar system, in an area known as the Kuiper Belt. It was first discovered in 1930 and was considered a planet until 2006, when it was downgraded to dwarf. It is notable for the controversy regarding its demotion and the resulting online fandom. A screenshot from the scene, as well as the concept for the temporal limitations of the planet are the basis for the meme.
Pages in category “Internet memes introduced in 2022”
Mercury is always the toughest to spot due to its proximity to the Sun, but sometimes Mars or even Venus can appear smaller. The meme has continued to be popular on 4chan and other message boards in the years since its inception. It has also spread to other online communities, such as Reddit and Tumblr. We’re fairly liberal but do have a few rules on what can and cannot be shared. On August 24, 2006, the International Astronomical Union (IAU) defined what it means to be a “planet” within the Solar System. This definition excluded Pluto as a planet and added it as a member of the new category “dwarf planet”, along with two other celestial bodies, Eris and its moon Dysnomia.
Does It Really Matter? / Earth Zoom Out To Universe
The internet you logged into in 2012 or even 2019 is not the same place as the one you’re browsing right now. Hopefully, these charts and data can tell part of the story of how and why it changed. So without further ado, let’s jump into the world of memes circa 2010 and work our way up to the present day.
- Users moved Chungus memes from 4chan to Twitter to Reddit to YouTube and then back again.
- This is meant to show how small our planet is in comparison to the size of the universe, and how we should value our time here instead of wasting it on things that don’t matter.
- The micro-blogging site was notably purchased by Yahoo! in 2013, but following a failure to generate ad revenue, was sold at a loss in 2016.
- From the rise of TikTok to the fall of Tumblr, from the green-texted halls of 4chan to the doomed paradise of Vine, from the most boomer Facebook page to the most niche Gen Z Instagram account, Know Your Meme has seen it all.
American Girl dolls came back in a big way
It all happened fairly recently and the internet can be difficult to analyze. It’s enormous, records get deleted quickly and platforms are less than transparent about how decisions get made and algorithms function. One of the most spectacular mosaic images of Saturn taken by Cassini, this 2016 view shows the north… [+] pole, the rings, the planet’s shadow, and the nearly-fully illuminated face of our solar system’s most visibly-ringed world. Saturn’s radius is approximately 60,000 km, but if you include the main rings, they extend out to 140,000 km.
Often, SpongeBob memes came from well-known episodes of the classic show, some of them from as far as two decades back. On May 4th, 2017, a Twitter user posted the first recorded instance of the Mocking SpongeBob format, representing themselves reacting to children. The result was a platform full of snippet-sized content that quickly became home to some of the most vibrant and wacky content on the web. However, Vine’s parent company Twitter, which acquired it in October 2012 before its official release in January 2013, never figured out how to monetize the app. Somehow, a place where you could post funny faces on image forums transformed into a place where people will pay a million dollars for a picture of a monkey they can’t even hold in their hands.
It’s a cliche to say, but what you post, like, comment and share does matter. A 2021 meme that speaks to the continuing development and evolution of meme culture is Pondering My Orb, a meme that came to be recombined with similar meme formats stretching back over many years. The central character, a sage pondering his orb taken from the cover of a 1988 RPG fantasy gamebook, first appeared on Twitter in October 2021.
Most of the other sites and platforms listed (with the exception of Instagram) have decent user interfaces on mobile but were originally created for a laptop or desktop screen. In 2021, the wider availability of smartphones around the world meant that most recreational screen time was taking place on that kind of device rather than another kind. This, notably, also coincided with the emergence of zoomers as a cultural force. Interestingly, Twitter, whose what do you mean by leverage user base tends to skew millennial, still looms large, representing that generation’s continuing influence on internet culture. If the late 2010s are remembered for anything, it may be as the golden age of object-labeling memes. Formats that use images to represent the relationships between ideas, people and feelings became a kind of internet hieroglyphics, communicating pretty sophisticated thoughts, jokes and positions in a very small space.
It seems like an obligatory step for any meme achieving virality today is an encounter and remix with past memes. Video and audio were combined in late February 2020 on TikTok, and the meme took off in March. It was frequently used to punctuate FAIL compilations, marking the demise of a character introduced in preceding footage. In the following weeks, the meme made it to Twitter and eventually to Facebook, where even the Poster-in-Chief Donald Trump shared a meme of it featuring the campaign logo of Joe Biden on the coffin.
For example, during the 2016 US presidential election, the meme was used to contrast the size of Earth with that of Jupiter, with Jupiter being represented as Hillary Clinton and Earth as Donald Trump. This version of the meme was often used to point out the size difference between Earth and Jupiter, with Earth seeming much smaller in comparison. Over time, the meme evolved to include other planets in the solar system, such as Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. The captions also became more humorous, with Earth being referred to as a “peanut” in comparison to the other planets. Listen, I think any of us would sound pretty stupid if our, ahem, romantic texts went viral, but sadly Adam Levine’s are just too funny not to be turned into infinite memes.