Nếu bạn không thể đăng nhập vào tài khoản Scotiabank của mình, bạn không phải là người duy nhất, vì ngân hàng đang gặp phải một số vấn đề kỹ thuật.#Scotiabank #technicalissues #downapp #logindifficulties
Nguồn: https://mobilesyrup.com/2024/07/26/scotiabank-down/
If you can’t log in to your Scotiabank app, you’re not alone, as the bank is experiencing some technical difficulties.
App not working now
— KapStar3000 (@KapStar3000) July 26, 2024
Scotiabank seemed to have an issue affecting inbound payments but says the problem should be resolved now. However, possibly, in fixing one concern, it caused another.
I noticed that I wasn’t able to log on to my Scotiabank app, which made me interested in seeing if the system was down. In the comments of the above tweet, someone noted that the app isn’t working now.
Checking DownDetector in the last few hours, Scotiabank has seen more than 5,000 people reporting that they’re having issues with the website or mobile app. Further, the comment section is plagued with people saying that they can’t log into their accounts.
One showed the following error message, which is the same error message I received: “MARVEL_AUTH_INELIGABLE_CLIENT app
Desktop login -> “We cannot log you in. Use your app” :)”
Scotiabank has made a post about the concern of many who can’t log in to their app.
Header image credit: Shutterstock
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