Bắt đầu từ ngày 29 tháng 7, Cục Giao thông Colorado sẽ thực hiện hoạt động trải nhựa kéo dài một tuần tại hai cầu gần thị trấn Granby. Công việc sẽ diễn ra trên Cầu Granby, qua sông Fraser (Mile Points 212 đến 213) và tại cầu cấu trúc nằm phía tây thị trấn, qua sông Colorado (Mile Point 210). Người lái xe sẽ gặp phải tắc đường lên đến 15 phút, dừng hoàn toàn và luân phiên giao thông một làn đường giữa 7 giờ sáng và 5 giờ chiều.
Các nhóm công nhân cũng sẽ hoàn tất công việc lấp đầy ổ gà khoảng sáu dặm về phía đông, gần Red Dirt. Người lái xe có thể mong đợi tác động tối thiểu đối với việc đi lại tại khu vực công việc thứ ba này.
Các nhóm của CDOT sẽ làm việc càng nhanh càng tốt để hoàn thành các công việc trám bóng; tuy nhiên, hoạt động trải nhựa phụ thuộc vào điều kiện thời tiết.
#CụcGiaoThôngColorado #TrảiNhựaUS40 #GranbyBridge #CDOT #GiaoThôngĐườngBộ
Nguồn: https://www.codot.gov/news/2024/july/us40-paving-operations-granby-bridges-begin-july29
Grand County — On Monday, July 29, crews will perform week-long paving operations at two bridge locations near the Town of Granby. Work will take place on the Granby Bridge, over the Fraser River (Mile Points 212 to 213) and at the bridge structure located west of town, over the Colorado River (Mile Point 210). Motorists will encounter up to 15 minute delays, full stops and one-lane alternating traffic between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m.
Crews will also complete work to patch potholes approximately six miles east, near Red Dirt. Motorists can expect minimal impacts to travel at this third work zone.
CDOT crews will work as swiftly as possible to complete the surface treatment; however resurfacing operations are weather dependent.
Traffic Impacts
Operations will take place July 29 to August 1. Daytime work hours will range from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Thursday.
- Motorists should plan for up to 15 minute delays and should allow for extra travel time
- Vehicles will be guided by flagging personnel and signs
- Access in and out of intersections may be restricted at times
- A speed reduction of 40 mph will be enforced through the work zones
Know Before You Go
Travelers are urged to “know before you go.” Gather information about weather forecasts and anticipated travel impacts and current road conditions prior to hitting the road. CDOT resources include:
Remember: Slow For The Cone Zone
The following tips are to help you stay safe while traveling through maintenance and construction work zones.
- Do not speed in work zones. Obey the posted speed limits.
- Stay Alert! Expect the unexpected.
- Watch for workers. Drive with caution.
- Don’t change lanes unnecessarily.
- Avoid using mobile devices such as phones while driving in work zones.
- Turn on headlights so that workers and other drivers can see you.
- Be especially alert at night while driving in work zones.
- Expect delays, especially during peak travel times.
- Allow ample space between you and the car in front of you.
- Anticipate lane shifts and merge when directed to do so.
- Be patient!
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The free COtrip Planner mobile app was designed to meet the growing trend of information on mobile and tablet devices for the traveling public. The COtrip Planner app provides statewide, real-time traffic information, and works on mobile devices that operate on the iOS and Android platforms. Visit the Google Play Store (Android devices) or the Apple Store (iOS devices) to download!