Những ưu đãi sớm nhất cho Ngày Kỷ Niệm Lễ Của Chúng Ta năm 2024 Cuối tuần Ngày Kỷ Niệm sắp tới với tốc độ chóng mặt. Và trước khi “khởi đầu” mùa hè chính thức bắt đầu, nhiều thương hiệu và cửa hàng bán lẻ yêu thích của chúng ta đang tung ra các ưu đãi về các sản phẩm bán chạy chúng ta biết và yêu thích. Theo các chuyên gia trong hướng dẫn mua sắm Ngày Kỷ Niệm của chúng tôi, dịp lễ thường là thời gian tốt để tồn kho các thiết bị gia dụng, đệm, ga trải giường và cung cấp cho vườn, vườn trên nền tảng, chúng ta đã bao gồm trong danh sách dưới đây. Bạn có thể đã tìm thấy ưu đãi trong nhiều hạng mục này cùng với các ưu đãi về làm đẹp và công nghệ, bao gồm giảm giá tuyệt vời cho iPad và Airpods, mà chúng tôi bao gồm trong danh sách dưới đây. Chúng tôi sẽ tiếp tục cập nhật danh sách này với các ưu đãi mới trước ngày nghỉ; hãy nhớ rằng hàng tồn và giá cả có thể thay đổi.#MemorialDay2024 #FlashSale #BestDealsToday #ShoppingSpree #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_rdGBoxvXffuzGu2rK0YohJPiJqRFeFJhNpJQsrHSoyNsmGorHlC6JULH
Nguồn: https://www.nbcnews.com/select/shopping/best-early-memorial-day-sales-2024-rcna152762
Memorial Day weekend is quickly approaching. And before the “unofficial” kickoff to summer begins, many of our favorite brands and retailers are rolling out deals on bestselling products we know and love. The holiday is typically a good time to stock up on appliances, mattresses, bedding, and gardening supplies, according to experts in our Memorial Day shopping guide.
You can already find deals across many of these categories in addition to beauty and tech sales, including great discounts on iPads and Airpods, which we include in our list below. We’ll continue updating this list with new deals leading up to the holiday; keep in mind that stock and prices may change.
SKIP AHEAD Best Memorial Day 2024 deals | Home deals | Mattress and bedding deals | Kitchen deals | Tech deals | Apparel and shoe deals | Beauty and wellness deals
The best Memorial Day 2024 deals to shop now
All of our recommendations are based on our previous coverage and reporting. We also included a handful of products we tried ourselves, including expert-recommended streaming devices and facial essences.
Apple iPad Air (5th Gen)
4.8-star average rating from 12,959 reviews on Amazon
Lowest price ever
Earlier this month, Apple released new iPads, which might be why 2022’s 5th Gen. model is at its lowest price ever right now. While it isn’t the newest model, it is still an excellent tablet, with fast performance, a bright screen, 10 hours of battery life, and stereo speakers on each side. It is also one of the easiest gadgets to travel with — it only weighs about a pound.
Bear Pro Hybrid Mattress
4.4-star average rating from 47 reviews on Bear
NBC Select SEO editor Nikki Brown was initially skeptical of this mattress but now, after years of using it, she says it’s immensely helpful for relieving body pressure. “When I go to bed after an afternoon or night workout, I feel way more refreshed the next morning than I have on other mattresses,” she says. It’s made with cooling gel memory foam that draws away body heat and makes the mattress more breathable, according to the brand.
Roku Streaming Stick 4K
4.7-star average rating from 74,807 reviews on Amazon
This Select-staff favorite streaming device is easy to use and compatible with all kinds of smart home devices. NBC Select editorial operations manager Shari Uyehara uses it to watch her favorite shows on apps like Netflix, Hulu, Peacock, Max, Apple TV+ and Youtube. I have also used this at home, and find Roku to have the easiest installation and interface to navigate of all the streaming devices I’ve tried.
Cosrx Advanced Snail 96 Mucin Power Essence
4.5-star average rating from 87,148 reviews on Amazon
This dermatologist-recommended essence has snail mucin that adds moisture and a plumping effect to skin, according to our experts. It’s made with 96% snail secretion that’s free of sulfates or parabens, and is lightweight on the skin, according to the brand. “When I first started using this many years ago, I wanted it to clear my acne,” says NBC Select editorial director Lauren Swanson. “Now, I still use it but for hydration and fine lines. It’s goopy, but helps you get glass skin overnight.”
Blueair Blue 311i+ Max Air Purifier
4.6-star average rating from 13,224 reviews on Amazon
This quiet air purifier is one of the best for large spaces — it catches all sorts of dust and dander in my living room without so much as a peep of noise. It has a removable, machine washable outer fabric cover that catches larger clumps of dust and lint, too. You can control the purifier with your phone and the Blueair app, which also shows stats like indoor air quality and when you need to replace your filter.
Anker Soundcore Space Q45 Over-Ear Headphones
4.4-star average rating from 1,468 reviews on Amazon
These over-ear headphones have received more compliments than any other pair I’ve tried in the office — and I’ve tried dozens of headphones and earbuds. They are sleek and comfortable, with wide ear cups that don’t cramp my ears, even after hours of use. 50 hours of battery life is impressive, especially considering they have noise-canceling and transparency modes. The headphones fold down to a smaller size for travel, and come with a hardshell case, audio cable and charging cable.
The Citizenry Stonewashed Linen Sheet Set
4.5-star average rating from 538 reviews on The Citizenry
This NBC Select Bed & Bath Award winner is our favorite linen bed sheet set because it’s soft, lightweight and cooling. “I’m a hot sleeper and these feel so light — I didn’t feel hot or sweaty once throughout the night,” says NBC Select editorial projects manager Rebecca Rodriguez. The sheets come with a matching linen bag for easy storage when you’re not using them.
Apple Airpods (2nd Gen)
4.7-star average rating from 614,990 reviews on Amazon
These AirPods are some of the most convenient earbuds for iPhone owners. They pair seamlessly with Apple devices and support voice controls using Siri. They are especially good for people who don’t like the feeling of earbuds stuffed in their ear canal — they have a semi-open fit with no rubber eartips attached. The buds and charging case together have over 24 hours of battery life, according to the brand.
More Memorial Day 2024 sales to shop now
Below are the best Memorial Day sales across categories and brands you can shop now.
Best furniture and home sales
- Burrow: Up to 60% off sitewide
- Outer: Up to 20% off seating, dining and fire pits
- Article: Up to 30% off indoor and outdoor furniture
- Design Within Reach: Up to 30% off select outdoor furniture
- Floyd: Up to 30% off sections and other furniture
- Apt2B: 15% off sitewide, with further discounts on larger purchases
Best mattress and bedding sales
- The Company Store: Up to 35% off with code SUMMER24
- Casper: 30% off all mattresses and 10% off sitewide
- Tuft & Needle: Up to 27% off mattresses, bedding and more
- Brooklyn Bedding: 25% off sitewide with code SPRING25
- Helix Sleep: 25% off sitewide, 30% off Luxe and Elite products using code MEMDAY30
- Birch Living: 25% off sitewide with code MEMDAY25
- Essentia: 25% off select mattresses and bedding
- The Citizenry: 20% off sitewide
Best kitchen and appliance sales
- LG: Up to 55% off select appliances
- Best Buy: Up to 45% off major appliances
- Lowe’s: Up to 40% off select major appliances
- Solo Stove: Up to 30% off sitewide
Best tech sales
- Anker: Up to 33% off bestselling chargers
- Soundcore: Up to 33% off bestselling headphones and earbuds
- Belkin: Up to 20% off sitewide with code MEM24
- Amazon: Up to 50% off Amazon devices like Fire tablets and Blink cameras
Best apparel and shoe sales
- Allbirds: Up to 20% off sneakers and running shoes
- Free People: Up to 30% off sitewide
- Blundstone: Up to 25% off clearance boots
- Feetures: 20% off sitewide
- Cotopaxi: Up to 50% off past season gear and more
Best beauty and wellness sales
- Dermstore: 20% off EltaMD products with code SUN
- Violet Grey: Up to 50% off brands like La Mer, 111Skin, Act + Acre, La Bouche Rouge and more
- Shopbob: 15% off beauty aisle with code BEAUTY15
Why trust NBC Select?
Harry Rabinowitz is a reporter for NBC Select who has covered deals and sales for over two years. To round up the best Memorial Day deals, he found discounted products and brand sales across categories, including recommendations from previous coverage.
Catch up on NBC Select’s in-depth coverage of personal finance, tech and tools, wellness and more, and follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and TikTok to stay up to date.