Biden sẽ đề xuất ngân sách để làm nổi bật khoảng cách với đảng Cộng hòa và cựu Tổng thống Trump. Ngày hôm nay, Tổng thống Biden sẽ đưa ra đề xuất ngân sách đầy chứa các biện pháp tăng thuế đối với doanh nghiệp và người có thu nhập cao, chi tiêu mới cho các chương trình xã hội, và một loạt các nỗ lực để chống lại chi phí tiêu dùng cao như nhà ở và học phí đại học.
Đề xuất mới và các biện pháp tăng thuế trong ngân sách năm 2025 này hầu như không có cơ hội trở thành luật pháp trong năm nay, vì đảng Cộng hòa kiểm soát Hạ viện và hoàn toàn phản đối chính sách ngân sách của ông Biden. Tuần trước, Hạ viện Cộng hòa đã thông qua đề xuất ngân sách của mình, mô tả các ưu tiên của họ, hoàn toàn khác biệt so với những gì các Đảng Dân Chủ đã yêu cầu.
Thay vào đó, tài liệu sẽ phục vụ như một bản thảo của nền tảng chính sách của ông Biden khi ông tìm kiếm tái cử vào tháng 11, cùng với một loạt các sự phân biệt nhằm vẽ ra sự khác biệt với đối thủ tiềm năng của mình, cựu Tổng thống Donald J. Trump.
Ông Biden đã cố gắng củng cố sức mạnh về các vấn đề kinh tế với cử tri đã đánh giá thấp ông giữa tình trạng lạm phát nhanh chóng. Ngân sách này nhằm mục tiêu mô tả ông như một nhà hùng tráng của viện trợ chính phủ tăng cho người lao động, phụ huynh, nhà sản xuất, người già nghỉ hưu và sinh viên, cũng như cuộc chiến chống lại biến đổi khí hậu. Đề xuất ngân sách của ông Biden đề xuất tăng thuế để bù đắp chi phí cho những ưu tiên đó thông qua việc tăng thuế cho các công ty lớn và người giàu. Tổng thống đã bắt đầu cố gắng mô tả ông Trump như là người ủng hộ thêm hỗ trợ thuế cho các công ty.
#Budget2025 #BidenVsRepublicans #EconomicPolicies #TaxReform.
President Biden on Monday will propose a budget packed with tax increases on corporations and high earners, new spending on social programs, and a wide range of efforts to combat high consumer costs like housing and college tuition.
The new spending and tax increases included in the fiscal 2025 budget stand almost no chance of becoming law this year, given that Republicans control the House and roundly oppose Mr. Biden’s fiscal agenda. Last week, House Republicans passed a budget proposal outlining their priorities, which are far afield from what Democrats have called for.
Instead, the document will serve as a draft of Mr. Biden’s policy platform as he seeks re-election in November, along with a series of contrasts intended to draw a distinction with his presumptive Republican opponent, former President Donald J. Trump.
Mr. Biden has sought to reclaim strength on economic issues with voters who have given him low marks amid rapid inflation. This budget aims to portray him as a champion of increased government aid for workers, parents, manufacturers, retirees and students, as well as the fight against climate change. Mr. Biden’s budget proposes to more than offset the cost of those priorities through increased taxes on large companies and the wealthy. The president has already begun trying to portray Mr. Trump as the opposite: a supporter of further tax cuts for corporations.
“A fair tax code is how we invest in things that make this country great: health care, education, defense and so much more,” Mr. Biden said on Thursday during his State of the Union address.
Later in the speech, in a call-and-response with Democrats in the chamber, Mr. Biden added: “Folks at home, does anybody really think the tax code is fair? Do you really think the wealthy and big corporations need another $2 trillion tax break? I sure don’t. I’m going to keep fighting like hell to make it fair.”
Polls show Americans are dissatisfied with Mr. Biden’s handling of the economy and favor Mr. Trump’s approach to economic issues. But Mr. Biden has been unwavering in his core economic-policy strategy, and the budget is not expected to deviate from that plan.
White House officials, previewing the budget release, said that Mr. Biden would propose about $3 trillion in new measures to reduce the budget deficit over the next decade. That is in line with his budget proposal last year, which narrowed deficits by raising taxes on businesses and the rich and by allowing the government to bargain more aggressively with pharmaceutical companies in order to reduce spending on prescription drugs.
Mr. Biden is once again set to call for raising the corporate tax rate to 28 percent from 21 percent, the level Mr. Trump set in the tax bill he signed in late 2017. Mr. Biden will also propose increasing a new minimum tax on large corporations and quadrupling a tax on stock buybacks, among other efforts to raise more revenue from companies and individuals who make more than $400,000 a year.
Those savings would build on discretionary spending limits that Mr. Biden and congressional Republicans agreed on last year to resolve a standoff over raising the nation’s borrowing limit. But even if Congress agreed to all $3 trillion of Mr. Biden’s proposals, the deficit would still average about $1.7 trillion a year over the next decade, based on projections from the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office.
House Republicans released a budget last week that seeks to reduce deficits much faster — balancing the budget by the end of the decade. Their savings relied on economic growth forecasts that are well above mainstream forecasters’ expectations, along with steep and often unspecified spending cuts.
The nonpartisan Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget called the Republican plan “unrealistic in its assumptions and outcomes.” Last year, the same group said Mr. Biden’s budget fell “well short of the deficit reduction needed to put the nation on a sustainable fiscal path.”
Mr. Biden and his aides have repeatedly said they are comfortable that the projected deficits in his budgets will not hurt the economy. Instead of pivoting to more aggressive deficit reduction, as previous Democratic presidents have done after losing control of a chamber of Congress, Mr. Biden has leaned into the need for new spending programs and targeted tax incentives.
White House officials said the new budget proposal would continue that trend. It will include a national program of paid leave for workers. It will reinstate an expanded child tax credit that Mr. Biden created temporarily in his $1.9 trillion economic stimulus law in 2021, and that helped reduce child poverty significantly over the span of a year before expiring.
It will also include new efforts to help Americans struggle with high costs. That issue has dogged Mr. Biden with voters since inflation soared on his watch to its highest levels in four decades, even as price increases have cooled over the last year. Mr. Biden previewed many of those efforts in his State of the Union speech, including new tax credits for certain home buyers and expanded assistance for people to buy health insurance through the Affordable Care Act.
Mr. Biden is also set to call for new efforts to improve the solvency of Social Security and Medicare, though not the full Social Security overhaul that he previewed in the 2020 campaign but has not delivered on in office. He will oppose benefit cuts for the programs, officials said, suggesting that he favors a familiar strategy to bolster them: raising taxes on high earners.