Sống ở Thượng Hải – Sự Sắp Xếp Tinh Tế, Ý Kiến Sắc Sảo | SmartShanghai

#BánMacBookAir #MáyTínhXáchTay #SmartShanghai #BánHàngCôngNghệ #MáyTínhCũ #MáyTínhMacBookAir #ỞShanghai #MuaBánOnline

Nguồn: https://www.smartshanghai.com/buyandsell/electronics/105100


I am selling my MacBook Air since I currently need the money. The device is in mint condition, although it has two small dents on both corners from when I was coming to China.

The keyboard, trackpad, camera, and display almost show no previous use, and overall they are in great condition. The software has been updated to the latest version (Sonoma 14.1.1) by the time you’re seeing this.

8GBRAM-256GB Storage, Battery works perfectly.

I’ll give you the device with a factory reset.

Also, we can always agree on any metro station for you to see the device.

My WeChat is waflaf.



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