Vụ giao dịch Bất động sản của Trump tại Oman nổi bật về những quan ngại về đạo đức.

#Trump_hợp_tác_với_chính_phủ_Oman_gây_quan_ngại_về_ đạo_đức
#Trẻ_Sông_Bangladesh, Rumani và Ấn_độ_phoi_rài_ở_Ôman
#Donald_Trump_vì_ước_lợi_tài_chính_đang_lệch_với_lợi ích_nước_Mỹ
#Công_trình_Oman_chèn ép_công_nhân_di_dân_trực_tuyến

Nguồn: https://www.nytimes.com/2023/06/20/us/politics/trump-real-estate-deal-oman.html

On a remote site at the edge of the Gulf of Oman, thousands of migrant laborers from Bangladesh, India and Pakistan are at work in 103-degree heat, toiling in shifts from dawn until nightfall to build a new city, a multibillion-dollar project backed by Oman’s oil-rich government that has an unusual partner: former President Donald J. Trump.

Mr. Trump’s name is plastered on signs at the entrance of the project and in the lobby of the InterContinental Hotel in Muscat, the nearby capital of Oman, where a team of sales agents is invoking Mr. Trump’s name to help sell luxury villas at prices of up to $13 million, mostly targeting superrich buyers from around the world, including from Russia, Iran and India.

Mr. Trump has been selling his name to global real estate developers for more than a decade. But the Oman deal has taken his financial stake in one of the world’s most strategically important and volatile regions to a new level, underscoring how his business and his politics intersect as he runs for president again amid intensifying legal and ethical troubles.

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