Tai nghe AirPods: Giải pháp mới cho việc trợ giúp thính lực sau khi được FDA chấp thuận

AirPods được sử dụng như máy trợ thính? Hướng đi mới cho việc hỗ trợ thính lực sau khi được FDA chấp thuận #AirPods # FDA # trợ thính #sức khỏe #phục hồi thính lực #công nghệ mới

Nguồn: https://www.aol.com/airpods-hearing-aids-path-hearing-002356555.html

JOPLIN, Mo. — Some Apple users will soon have a new way to test and boost their hearing health.

Larry Warren of Joplin says his hearing aids make all the difference.

“For years, I couldn’t hear conversations fully. I couldn’t hear my kids, I couldn’t hear my grandkids,” said Larry Warren, hearing aid wearer.

It’s a choice he doesn’t regret – and even recommends to others.

“I went to a class reunion, and I had three people say, how are those? How it was working for you,” said Warren.

And now other patients with hearing issues are getting a new choice.

The FDA has approved the AirPod Pro 2 as a hearing aid.

A soon-to-be-released software update will allow users to test their hearing and, if necessary, boost it with their AirPods.

Joplin audiologist Dr. David Anthony says it will likely be a good match for some patients.

“There were 250 million AirPods that were sold last year, versus 15 million hearing aids. And so if you have an AirPod Pro Two, and it will be useful to you to help you hear better, to see exactly what I might have been missing in my daily communication, use it,” said Dr. David Anthony, Joplin audiologist.

He realizes the AirPod version might be more approachable for some patients.

“Does it have the same type of technology as a traditional hearing aid? Definitely not. Will it be a good entry point into better hearing health care, definitely. So. So whatever gets you hearing better, take those steps,” said Anthony.

Larry Warren adds that patients should weigh their options.

“If your hearing loss is minimal. Yeah, you can probably do that and get away with it for a while, but at a certain point, you really need to have that professional look at you and make sure,” said Warren.

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