Bị nguyền rủa trong sự kiện mới nhất của No Man’s Sky

Tham gia sự kiện mới nhất của trò chơi No Man’s Sky để trải nghiệm sự sợ hãi và lạ lùng! Sự kiện Cursed sẽ kéo dài trong hai tuần tới với các boss mới, trang bị mới, chiếc đĩa bay, và một UFO mà người chơi có thể tự tạo ra. Đây là một cơ hội để bạn tiếp xúc với ranh giới giữa thế giới này và thế giới bên kia. 🛸👽 #NoMansSky #TheCursedEvent #ExpeditionSixteen

Nguồn: https://www.theverge.com/2024/10/23/24277582/no-mans-sky-the-cursed-expedition-halloween-event

The latest No Man’s Sky event will have players straddling the boundary between this world and the next. The Cursed expedition event runs for the next two weeks and features new bosses, new gear, a flying saucer, and a UFO players can make their own.

As with every new NMS event, the developers at Hello Games are changing up how the game works. The Cursed takes place in a new universe where the line between life and… unlife?? is perilously thin. The exosuit, which normally protects players from the harsh environs of space and alien planets, now comes with an “anomaly suppressor” that’ll keep them stable as reality shifts around them. Additionally, players won’t be able to warp between star systems, having to instead travel via a portal system (kinda like how guild navigators ferry everyone about in Dune — minus the all psychoactive drug use).

Speaking of celebrated figures in sci-fi, The Cursed also includes a new hub deemed the Boundary StarShip which according to the blog post takes its artistic inspiration from the works of H.R. Giger. Expect plenty of tubes, fleshy ridges, and wet stuff. The Cursed expedition starts today and lasts for the next two weeks. But if spooky stuff isn’t your jam, Hello Games is also planing something special that’s focused on the pending launch of the PS5 Pro.


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