Bang cuoc doi #che_do_muon_mang_ca_nhan_truc_tuyen tai California voi AB 2426
Bang California da thong qua mot luat, AB 2426, se ap dung cac quy dinh nghiem ngat hon ve viec ban hang truyen thong. No xay dung tren cac quy dinh hien co ve quang cao sai lech va bao gom cac tro choi, phim, sach va am nhac.
Cac cua hang truc tuyen gio day se phai lam ro rang rang khach hang chi dang mua mot ban quyen cua san pham. Ho khong co quyen so huu truc tiep neu do la mot tai ve truc tuyen.
Thong doc Gavin Newsom da ky vao du luat nay vao dau tuan nay (ngay 24 thang 9) va se co hieu luc vao nam 2025.
Tai sao AB 2426 duoc ban hanh?
Du luat duoc thong qua de kiem che xu huong dang lo ngai ve viec mat truyen thong ky thuat so. Vao dau nam nay, nha xuat ban Ubisoft da dong may chu cho tro choi dua xe The Crew. Sau do, no da bi xoa khoi tai kho cua nguoi dung.
Day chi la mot trong mot hang dai su dong cua trong nganh. Forza Horizon 4 se bi xoa bo vao thang 12. Hood: Outlaws & Legends se khong the choi duoc vao thang 2 ma khong co su hoan tra nao duoc cung cap.
Mac du phap ly se khong ngan chan thuc te nay, no hy vong no se lam cho dieu nay ro rang voi khach hang tai diem ban. Cac cua hang truc tuyen se khong con duoc su dung cac tu “mua” hoac “mua” neu ho khong lam ro rang rang do chi la viec cap phep cua san pham de ban, khong phai “so huu khong bi gioi han”.
Khach hang cung se phai hieu rang ban quyen co the bi thu hoi trong tuong lai truoc khi thuc hien giao dich cua minh.
Thanh vien dai bieu Jacqui Irwin la tac gia cua du luat. Co da noi vao dau thang nay: “Khi cac nha ban le tiep tuc chuyen doi ra khoi viec ban media vat ly, nhu cau ve bao ve nguoi tieu dung tren mua hang ve media ky thuat so da tro nen quan trong hon.”
“AB 2426 se dam bao rang viec quang cao sai lech va lua dao tu cac nha ban hang ve media ky thuat so noi sai rang nguoi tieu dung so huu cac mua hang cua minh se tro thanh mot dieu qua khu.”
Du luat khong giai quyet van de cua cac cong ty ket thuc tro choi va cac phuong tien khac bat cu luc nao ho muon. Nhung it nhat, su minh bach nay co the giup nguoi tieu dung lua chon mua hang co su thong tin hon.
Tin anh: Canva
Bai viet diem: California bat dau kiem soat ‘mua ho tap trung’ truc tuyen voi AB 2426 xuat hien truoc tai ReadWrite.”
![California Assembly passes strict AI regulation bill as industry divided. California State Legislature in front of futuristic background](
The state of California has passed a law, AB 2426, which will see stricter regulations around the sale of digital media. It builds on existing false advertising laws and includes games, films, books, and music.
Online shops will now have to make it clear that customers are just buying a license to the product. They do not own it outright if it is an online download.
Governor Gavin Newsom signed the bill into law earlier this week (Sept. 24) and it will come into effect in 2025.
Why was AB 2426 passed?
The bill was passed to curb the concerning trend of disappearing digital media. Earlier this year, publisher Ubisoft closed down the servers for its racing game The Crew. It was then removed from users’ accounts.
This is just one in a long line of recent shutdowns in the industry. Forza Horizon 4 will be delisted in December. Hood: Outlaws & Legends will be unplayable by February with no refunds offered.
While the legislation won’t stop this practice, it hopes it will make this possibility clear to customers at the point of sale. Online shops will no longer be allowed to use the words “buy” or “purchase” if they do not make it clear that it is just the licensing of the product for sale, not “unrestricted ownership”.
Customers will also have to understand that the license could be revoked in the future before making their transaction.
Assembly member Jacqui Irwin authored the bill. She said earlier this month: “As retailers continue to pivot away from selling physical media, the need for consumer protections on the purchase of digital media has become increasingly more important.
“AB 2426 will ensure the false and deceptive advertising from sellers of digital media incorrectly telling consumers they own their purchases becomes a thing of the past.”
The bill will not fix the issue of companies terminating games and other media whenever they feel like it. But at least this transparency can better help consumers make informed purchases.
Feature image credit: Canva
The post California cracks down on ‘misleading’ online purchases with AB 2426 appeared first on ReadWrite.