Apple giải thích cách tai nghe AirPods 4 mang đến chức năng chống ồn hoạt động mà không cần nút đầu.

Apple giải thích cách AirPods 4 cung cấp chế độ hủy tiếng ồn không cần đầu nồi #AirPods4 #ChếĐộHủyTiếngỒn #AppleVN


One of the most notable features of Apple’s AirPods 4 is the inclusion of active noise cancellation (ANC) without silicone tips.

Typically earbuds with ANC feature silicone tips to help block out sound, so if you’re wondering how Apple managed to get ANC working without ear tips, you’re not alone. Thankfully we now have some insight from a recent interview between Engadget and Kate Bergeron, Apple’s vice president of hardware engineering, and Eric Treski, the company’s AirPods marketing director. During the interview, they discussed how Apple brought active noise cancellation (ANC) to the AirPods 4.

Apple says the AirPods 4’s H2 chip’s computational audio and microphones allow the company to bring ANC to standard AirPods.

“It’s really, really hard to create this great ANC quality in a non-ear-tip product,” said Treski. “The power of the H2 allows that, so we’re actually doing a lot with the H2 chip to manage ANC quality and listen from the mics for environmental noise to make sure we’re cancelling as much as possible.”

Apple says that the design of the AirPods 4 and its acoustic architecture also help with ANC.

Engadget has the full interview here, and you can learn more about the AirPods 4 in our full review.

Source: Engadget

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